One of my friends was saying tonight that he loves overcast days. He loves winter. "Good thing you still don't live in the Caribbean," I said. "Yeah, that'd just be depressing," he shot back. Hard to imagine. He just can't understand how everyone hides during the winter and then today when it's the first amazing day of spring (sunny and 75), everyone comes out of the shadows, looking all chipper. People he hasn't seen in months he says. Well, spring is my favorite time of the year, but I enjoy the snow enough that I'm not a recluse during the winter. The weather does change my mood, though--sometimes too much. It's amazing how good of an elixer some good ole fashioned sunshine can be for my soul. That first nice day of Spring when you can open the windows and let the fresh air flood the room. The first scent of a neighbor grilling. Mmmm.
So, the past two Sundays have given us pretty decent weather and I've enjoyed my Sabbath by taking some time to walk around my neighborhood and shoot some photos. Here is my latest
photo set on Flickr. . . still working with a low-level digital camera, but it'll make me appreciate an SLR if I'm ever so spoiled.